The Healing FIELD: Red Thread, Black Hat, White Lotus
module 6 *
This module focuses on Red Thread Empowerments, Spiritual Symbols, Affirmations, Internal Feng Shui, Shakti & Shiva medicine and more.
THIS MODULE includes:
How to achieve a metabolic shift in 24 hours
Imprinting a thought form into the body
Retrieving and imprinting a positive sensation or state of mind or a pattern of health into the present
How to apply spiritual symbols through mental visualization, projection, and imprinting into the physical form
How to heal and transform using the Elements of Fire, Water, Ether and Metal
How to use affirmations effectively
The Moon cycle: Symptomology and treatment through the cycle
Fertility and Menopause: symptoms and treatment with Marma/acupressure points, nutrition, household herbs, female specific yoga and meditations
The male cycle: 'Flame over and flame under’
Diet, household herbs, male specific yoga and meditations